
I used to find myself aimlessly opening a new tab, clicking on facebook or twitter, and getting distracted by some article or other. No more! Now when I open a new tab; a big red image catches my eye and reminds me to do some work:


This seems to be pretty effective, so to allow others to do the same or similar, I wrote some quick instructions:

1) In the URL bar, type about:config
2) Agree to be careful
3) Search for “browser.newtab.url”
4) Double click the value and replace with “” or whatever image you want
5) Enjoy productivity

1) Install the New Tab Redirect plugin
2) In the URL bar, type chrome://extensions
3) Select Options for New Tab Redirect
4) Change the Redirect URL to “” or whatever image you want
5) Enjoy productivity

1) Open Safari Preferences (Safari->Preferences on Mac, Edit->Preferences on Windows)
2) Go to the General Tab
3) Change ‘New Tab Opens With’ to Homepage
4) Set homepage to “” or whatever image you want
5) Enjoy productivity

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